Weezer white album

Visit Deals On Vinyl for this deal ( or direct link (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C7TMD1K). - Visit Vinylovers with Amazon product info amp Spotify link for this deal ( or use this direct link (https://www.amazon.com/Weezer-White-Album-Digital-Download/dp/B01C7TMD1K). Visit Best Vinyl Deals for this deal (https://bestvinyldeals.com/b01c7tmd1k/) or direct link (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C7TMD1K). Never gave the white album a chance until recently and I'm really digging the chill pop punk vibe. I did a little research about it and a reviewer talks about Soul Coughing as a possible influence and maybe I should check Jake Sinclair 's (producer) stuff. Although I'm not really digging PatD that much and I know he produced their last couple of records. Anyway, something, an album, a band. If it's a new record from the last 5 years for instance the better. - Visit Vinylovers with Amazon product info amp Spotify link for this deal ( or use this direct link (https://www.amazon.com/Weezer-White-Album-Digital-Download/dp/B01C7TMD1K) ^9 ^in ^stock ^at ^time ^of ^posting. Seriously now. This is a decent Weezer album. Like every white male who grew up in the 90s, I've had more than a passing love affair with Weezer. the trouble, like many love affairs, is that two people often grow apart with time. Such was the case with Weezer after the green album. Rivers Cuomo seemed to want to go in a different direction than his audience so desperately wanted him to go in. Thus, every Weezer release after Maladroit was hailed by a small group of believers as a return ‪^This ^deal ^was ^detected ^by ^DealsOnVinyl.com ‬ ‪Please click here to support Deals On Vinyl ( or use this direct Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Weezer-White-Album-Digital-Download/dp/B01C7TMD1K) link.‬ Highest: .98 Average: .85. I just can't get the vibe of it. The songs have this big California and summer vibe and I live in a part of the south where there's no beaches and it just rains for most of the summer. In my opinion, EWBAITE gt White. Weezer released their tenth studio album, Weezer (White Album) , in April this year. Check out the discussion thread here (https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/4e8dn8/album_discussion_weezer_weezer_white_album/?ref=search_posts). How have you been enjoying the album since then? Poll Indieheads Review: Weezer - Weezer (White Album) (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd07o_NNEQg8874UAYhju4QOt9_PvCkmScmfO7agb0YqVK0Lw/viewform) You can see the results Anyone got this album? If so, does your copy skip in any of the songs? I bought a copy yesterday and returned it because it skipped a couple of times on Side B of the record. Now I got a new copy and it skips once in L.A. Girlz. I'm guessing it's a factory thing? Has this happened Title explains it all. Preferably albums, something that reminds you of summer 1. California Kids 2. Wind in our Sail 3. Thank God for Girls 4. (Girl We Got A) Good Thing 5. Do You Wanna Get High? 6. King of the World 7. Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori 8. LA Girlz 9. Jacked Up 10. Endless Bummer Some Ratitude-esque and obvious Beach Boys inspired titles in there, but I don't know what to expect.